Desktop Ini Trojan On Windows 10

Desktop.ini, mirip seperti file thumbs.db yang berguna untuk menyimpan cache file foto dan gambar, memang dibuat secara otomatis seperti Windows. Sifatnya tersembunyi serta diproteksi oleh sistem. Namun terkadang, suatu PC atau laptop Windows justru menampilkan file tersebut. DESKTOP.INI.DJVU is considered as malicious program (malware). DESKTOP.INI.DJVU detected as TROJ.INI. DESKTOP.INI.DJVU actively resists detection and employs a number of techniques to ensure that you cannot remove DESKTOP.INI.DJVU from infected computers. The desktop.ini file can occasionally appear on the Windows desktop. It doesn’t do anything, just sits there until you reboot and either stays there or disappears. So what is desktop.ini in Windows and is it safe? The desktop.ini file can occasionally appear on the Windows desktop. It doesn’t do anything, just sits there until you reboot and either stays there or disappears. So what is desktop.ini in Windows and is it safe? Desktop.ini Trojan Virus Description. Desktop.ini is a new released root-kit virus that has been infecting many computers recently. It is so stubborn that user was unable to clean the infection as you can see. This Trojan virus will add many.ini extension files on your desktop and in your folders. They will smear your desktop and other folders.

  1. Desktop Ini File Removal
  2. Windows 10 Trojan Remover
  3. Desktop Ini Virus Windows 10
  4. Desktop Ini Trojan On Windows 10 Download
Active7 months ago

I would like to stop the 'desktop.ini' file being created on the 'Desktop' of my windows 10 machine. I have asked this question sepcifically about Windows 10: There is a question about the same issue on Windows 8 here, the solutions proposed there (and elsewhere) for Windows 7 and 8 don't seem to work.

Please, no solutions along the lines of 'disable viewing hidden files'. My specific question is how to stop the file being created on the desktop.

Neil TownsendNeil Townsend
2691 gold badge2 silver badges10 bronze badges

5 Answers

(Much) Later edit: It appears that this solution doesn't work on Windows10 anymore. Leaving the answer here for reference.

I used the solution found here:

  • Press Win+R and enter regedit
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer
  • Edit / create new DWORD: UseDesktopIniCache with the data 0

For me, I didn't have the value, so I had to create it. After restart, it automatically created the value in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer

Running Windows 10 Build 14393.222


Updated script. Epson xp 310 install software. Verified working and doesn't trigger permission dialogue box.Nfs game download for pc.

It is not possible to prevent Windows from creating desktop.ini because it is not actually Windows that is doing it. Some other third-party service is triggering the creation of that file, and clearly, Windows allows that in spite of UseDesktopIniCache=0.

Desktop.ini was driving me insane so I came up with a ragtag solution. I observed that the desktop.ini file gets created a few seconds after boot. I took advantage of that. Using Task Scheduler, I temporarily disable write permission on Desktop upon boot. That stops third-party services from performing shenanigans with my desktop. Then one minute after boot, another task reinstates write permission on Desktop.

Here I have shared a set of sample XML files for Task Scheduler to do the job.


This version of the script disables inheritance

I have found inheritance to be too confusing therefore have disabled it for Desktop folder. You might add /inheritance:e somewhere in the second script if you really need it, but note that disabling inheritance a lossy process, therefore adding that line won't change everything back to where they were before. Desktop is not a system folder, therefore it shouldn't affect you regardless.

This one is for disabling write permission on boot:

This one is for reinstating the permission a minute later:

Please note that my boot drive is an SSD, albeit not a very fast one. The timings might vary depending on how fast your OS boots.

Also, you can't import these scripts directly because of the presence of Author and User ID fields. Just take note of all the parameters.


[Deleted prior answer]Whoops, sorry about that. Its been awhile and had it confused with thumbs.db

Try this instead for desktop.ini files:Open the registry editor and navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorerChange UseDesktopIniCache value to 0 (Add it as a DWORD value if it doesn't already exist.

Here are a couple links to other's posts where it was working for them. Most were with win 7 and 8 however.

Desktop Ini File Removal


It is best not to delete the desktop.ini file, as the folder requires the .ini file to run properly. A Desktop.ini file is a file that determines the way a folder is displayed by Windows. If you do want to however, enable view hidden files and right-click and press delete to delete the item.


I know you said 'stop it from being created'. I assume that is because you want system files to be visible and desktop.ini (and probably thumbs.db) simply not present. The following solution doesn't stop it from being created, but it hides system files on your desktop only, not system-wide. Perhaps that would be acceptable.

  • Select 'Desktop' in Windows Explorer
  • Click the 'View' tab
  • Uncheck “Hidden items” under “Show/hide” in the ribbon

Windows 10 Trojan Remover

I got this solution here:


Desktop Ini Virus Windows 10

protected by CommunityJan 20 '18 at 14:42

Desktop Ini Trojan On Windows 10 Download

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